Advertising Stretching banner for the Russian Cafe in the desktop of our designer
By order of a small Russian cafe in India under the same name “Russian Cafe” and our partner Irish web developer Senpai IT Solutions a banner-stretching design was developed in the classic Russian style: with a folk pattern, Cyrillic font, a man and bears, although not, we decided to surprise everyone and used horses instead of bears.
The parameters of this work: png, CMYK, raster
Full stretch banner in tenfold size you can see below:
The main task of the stretching banner, naturally, is to attract the attention of potential customers, therefore, apart from the pattern, no doubt, the size is important.
Yes, it’s the size — you can’t get away from it 🙂
The client ordered a stretcher measuring 3 meters or 30 centimeters. Unfortunately, it does not make sense to spread the real size here, so enjoy our reduced version.
The project Advertising Stretching Banner for Russian Cafe was finished on December 17, 2012 at 19:54