Web Design

Website has now evolved into a powerful marketing tool aimed at targeting your primary audience and boosting company’s revenues. It’s an effective marketing instrument bringing nothing but benefits to your business.

RAmonka Studio offers a vast range of innovative web design solutions to cater your marketing, advertising, communication and promotion needs. Our creative team of graphic and flash designers and illustrators supervised by a talented art-director will create an appealing web design that will highlight your business’ unique features and reflect consistent corporate identity.


Today nobody will not be surprised if you have your own website. On the contrary its absence causes confusion and frustration, especially if you are a businessmen. But you do not want to upset your potential customer, fans, city residents or any other members of your audience. Right?

The solution is obvious — you need a website

Here you can order a different website development: online stores and catalogs, corporate and individual webpages, portals and web business cards — all this and much more are on the shoulder to us!

But do not think that it is an easy task

In fact it’s extremely time-consuming process which consists of numerous steps. Every step has to be thought out in advance and developer going up this ladder must adhere to the hierarchy and architecture of the embodied idea.

We can identify several stages

First of all it’s of course requirements specification composing. You can write it by yourself in any form you want or use our website development brief. Besides you can order its creation directly in the RAmonka studio.

Next step is the web design development. We start from the home page and finish with all necessary inner pages including various forms and pop-up windows.

Just put pencils we suffice the scissors

But only for peaceful purposes 🙂 And precisely in order to mark up a previously created web design. After html-coding instead of the beautiful pictures in our hands we have a static pages of the future website — it’s like the first smell of the cooking cake in the kitchen.

It is time for heavy artillery

Serious guys come into play — coders. They trifled with, they know everything: what to press and what to write to make a variety of buttons working in full force. Magically the pages change each other, the text on them is updating, the products are flaunting and the orders are purchasing and delivering. So the letters are arriving to their destination bypassing the postman.

But this is not the end

In truth the text and the goods did not appear magically, but by content managers, copywriters and journalists. And users are finding your website through promotion and advancement, which are juggled by our SEO specialists. Not least in this fiesta administrator takes place, who is tracking of the order like a receptionist at the hotel and «cleaner» (tech. support) helps him.

So from only idea there is a whole new world is appeared with its houses and roads, residents and visitors, managers and employees and of course with its creator — so book from him us your own and unique turnkey website!