B2BStore is a convenient online catalog that will help you choose equipment for your business and compare prices for similar equipment from different suppliers.
As you know, the purchase of equipment for business is one of the most important steps when opening a new enterprise or upgrading the assets of an existing one. The process of selecting high-quality equipment and analyzing price offers from its various suppliers often takes a huge amount of time, effort and attention. Well aware of the complexity of the tasks assigned to you, we have made every effort to ensure that you can comfortably and as soon as possible familiarize yourself with the wide range of products you are interested in, as well as compare offers from leading suppliers of tools and equipment for small and medium-sized businesses.
In the catalog we have developed, you can find information about the widest variety of tools for various fields of activity, as well as prices for equipment for business from various manufacturers. Information on prices and suppliers of equipment for small and medium-sized businesses, posted on the catalog pages, is conveniently structured in such a way that you, in the shortest possible time, could find the most beneficial offers for your business.

However, easy search for offers is not the only advantage of our B2BStore theme. Another of the undeniably strong arguments in favor of our template is the fact that together with B2BStore you will easily make a choice in favor of one or another model of equipment, or one or another supplier of business tools.
You can also publish information on the price of equipment and tools you sell for various fields of activity on favorable terms, find new customers and find permanent business partners.
Who is this portal for?
Our portal was created for entrepreneurs who intend to open or expand their business, master a new market segment, keep up with the times and modernize production. Do you belong to any of these categories? If your answer is “Yes”, then you just need our PSD template!
It is on the portal developed on the basis of our theme you can get the most reliable, fresh and most complete information about the whole variety of equipment, tools and technical innovations presented by leading manufacturers in various business areas. Moreover, together with our PSD template, you can make your purchase not only pleasant and rational, but also the most profitable, and the process of choosing equipment, thanks to the many offers of registered partners, will not take away any extra time from you.

If you set yourself the goal of expanding the sales market for the products offered by your company, in particular, equipment and tools for small and medium-sized businesses, our B2BStore template will help you find profitable cooperation.
Were you attracted by our catalog and are you thinking about placing your advertisement on it? We have provided for such an opportunity! You can place advertisements in the B2BStore equipment catalog for small and medium businesses.
Why our template?
This is actually the simplest question. Convenient design and simple graphic solution will help you to find exactly the information that interests you quickly and easily. The abundance and variety of equipment and tools for small and medium-sized businesses will allow you to quickly study a variety of proposals and make the most profitable purchase for your company.
We are also confident that a potentially unlimited circle of consumers, along with the constant development of the Internet space as a means of communication, as well as the search for new suppliers and business partners, will allow you, using the B2BStore catalog, to expand the circle of your business partners in the shortest possible time.

Product page
Agree, the pace of development of the Internet space as a means of business communications over the past 5 years is amazing. The younger generation of businessmen are people accustomed to the mobility and simplicity of online communications and if you plan to reach this category of consumers interested in your products, you need to keep up with the times. However, together with the B2BStore catalog, everything complicated becomes simple! Making a name for yourself and firmly establishing yourself in a new market segment – nothing is easier.
Creation of your own company, its expansion or modernization, is a long process that requires careful preparation and study of many diverse aspects. But, as you know, any long process inevitably begins with the first action, and any long path begins with the first step. And you can take this step now, having familiarized yourself with the offers placed in such a catalog, as well as by publishing offers or advertising of your products on the website created on the basis of our B2BStore template – the best catalog of business equipment!
What is B2BStore?
As an equipment supplier are you already using the Internet to promote and sell your products? We have created a great tool where you will receive only customer calls, not mythical “clicks”.
Our template operation algorithm:
- Sends template owner (you) information about the equipment he’s selling (description, illustrations, cost, technical parameters).
Template Owner (You):
- Posts information about the supplier’s equipment in the appropriate thematic section of the site.
- Allocates a phone number specifically for the supplier (it will be located next to his goods), calls to which will be automatically forwarded to his office.
- Does search engine optimization for the supplier’s equipment list.
- Gets paid for all transitions from Yandex and Google to equipment in the catalog.
- Pays for a potential customer’s call to his office.
Template Owner (You):
- Provides statistics on the number of calls, as well as audio recording of telephone conversations at the request of the supplier.
- Updates information about the equipment at the request of the supplier.

Add Form
Key Features of the PSD templates
- 5 Fully Layered PSD Files with Layer Styles
- Based on 1000px grid
- With right sidebar
- E-commerce
- Each PSD includes a guidelines
- Unique and Creative Design
- Easy to Use and Customize
- Pixel perfect design
- Well organized layers
- Free Google and Windows system fonts used
- Easy to find the files name, folder, layers, groups
- Custom icons including
PSD Contents
- Home Page – 01_home.psd
- Search through Catalog – 02_search.psd
- Business Page – 03_business.psd
- Product/Equipment Page – 04_product.psd
- Page with Form to add Product/Equipment – 05_add_form.psd
Technical data of the file being downloaded
- Extension: .psd (5 items)
- Additionally: readme.rtf + 6 previews
- Source file weight: 15.3 Мb
- Weight .zip archive: 2.8 Mb
- Width: 1050px
- Height: 900-1185px
- Language: Russian
- Theme: B2B Store